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Protected titles

Only persons who have graduated with a degree at Master's level in psychology from a university or other institution of higher learning or has an equivalent degree are entitled to use the title psychologist (psykolog) in Denmark.

If you have a degree in psychology from abroad you need to have your qualifications recognized by the Danish Supervisory Board of Psychological Practice before you can work as a psychologist in Denmark on a permanent basis.

The title "autoriseret psykolog" (authorised psychologist) is also a protected title. Only persons who have received authorisation as psychologist by the Danish Supervisory Board of Psychological Practice are entitled to use the title "autoriseret psykolog" (authorised psychologist).

Individuals who use the title "psykolog" (psychologist) or "autoriseret psykolog" (authorised psychologist) without the above prerequisits, shall be subject to penalty by fine.

Sidst opdateret 17.11.2020

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