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The Danish Supervisory Board of Psychological Practice (Psykolognævnet)

The Danish Supervisory Board of Psychological Practice (Psykolognævnet) was established in accordance with Act No. 494 of June 30, 1993, the act on the rights and duties of psychologists, as amended by Act No. 132 of February 27, 2004.

The Danish Supervisory Board of Psychological Practice is organized within the framework of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Interior, but is an independent organization.

The decisions of the Board cannot be appealed to any other administrative authority.

The Board is served by a secretariat which handles enquiries addressed to the Board.

The secretariat can be contacted by telephone or e-mail. Personal meetings only after prior arrangement, if required.

Duties of the Board

Authorisation of psychologists
Recognition of foreign qualifications as a psychologist
Supervision of the work of authorised psychologists.

Sidst opdateret 17.11.2020

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Mail: ast@ast.dk

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