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Conditions regarding supervision in connection with the psychologist's work.

Application for authorisation also requires documentation for supervision received in connection with the psychologist’s work.

Supervision received must amount to a total of at least 160 hours. Of the total number of hours, at least 40 hours of supervision must have been received individually, and at least 40 (converted) hours of supervision must be received in groups. The majority of the group must be psychologists.

Supervision must be given by an authorised psychologist. However, supervision received from other academics such as doctors and psychiatrists can in most cases be accepted with a total of max. 25 hours of supervision, if it is documented relevant and necessary.

In groups the total number of hours is reduced (converted) according to group size. In groups of 3-5 participants the number of hours will be reduced by 1/3, in groups of 6-12 participants only 1/2 of the number of hours will be included. Supervision in groups larger than 12 will not be included at all. In groups of 2 the total number of hours will be included.

Documentation for supervision received must be signed by both the supervisor of the sessions and the psychologist who has received the supervision.

Sidst opdateret 17.11.2020

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